Migraines and Epilepsy – Pt 2

Migralepsy and Occipital Seizures Last time we talked about a phenomenon called migralepsy, which manifests itself as epileptic seizures after a migraine attack. We also talked about how epileptic seizures that follow migraines may not be signs of migralepsy, rather they may be signs of occipital seizures. Many of the symptoms are similar, so it is easy to confuse the two. We know you want to know more about your pain, and that's why it's [Read More]

2018-10-25T03:52:04+00:00April 20th, 2015|

Migraines and Epilepsy – Pt 1

The Manifestation of Migraines There are various ways that a migraine can manifest itself, of which a headache is the most common symptom of this neurological condition. Though, much like an earthquake can manifest itself with tremors before the actual quake and aftershocks in the aftermath, there can be signs of a migraine before and after the actual appearance of the neurological disorder. One of the ways a migraine can manifest itself is through epileptic [Read More]

2021-04-06T04:48:34+00:00April 6th, 2015|
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