NUCCA Chiropractor for NUCCA for Kid’s Scoliosis

Scoliosis is a condition in which the spine is curved to one side instead of running straight down the back. This condition is typically diagnosed during childhood, and it can continue to affect people well into adulthood.

In individuals affected by scoliosis, the spine curves to one side in an S-shape.  There are several visible signs of scoliosis, such as unevenness in the waist and shoulders, one hip higher than the other, or protruding rib cage to one side.  Scoliosis can also result in pain in the middle and lower back and may lead to weakness in the legs.  While children with scoliosis might not experience immediate pain, chronic back pain is common in adults who had scoliosis when they were children. It is crucial to manage scoliosis in growing children to help prevent chronic back pain later in life.

By monitoring and addressing scoliosis early on, healthcare professionals may offer appropriate treatments to improve the spinal alignment and reduce the potential impact on children’s quality of life as they grow. Proper management during childhood can play a vital role in promoting spine health and reducing the risk of long-term back pain in adulthood as well.

The conventional treatments for scoliosis include back braces, physical therapy, and surgeries to help correct the curvature of the spine. In addition to these approaches, many people with scoliosis have also found relief from upper cervical chiropractic care.

The chronic back pain often arises from musculoskeletal imbalance that has developed due to the scoliosis curve. A case study published by Dr. M. Dickholtz, Sr. in the journal “J. Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health” demonstrated significant progress in patients with scoliosis. According to this study, the patient’s initial Cobb Angle of 44 degrees reduced to 32 degrees within just 5 months of receiving NUCCA chiropractic care. As a result of this improvement, the patient was no longer considered a candidate for surgical intervention for scoliosis.

The success of this case study highlights the potential benefits of upper cervical chiropractic care as a complementary approach to managing scoliosis and its associated symptoms. This approach offers a non-invasive and effective alternative for children with scoliosis, helping them to improve their spinal alignment and alleviate pain and discomfort.

Scoliosis Symptoms and Treatment

Scoliosis is often detected in children and if this condition is not effectively treated, it can continue to develop chronic pain into adulthood. There are several risk factors of scoliosis including cerebral palsy and muscular dystrophy, but the cause of scoliosis in most cases is unknown.  If children with scoliosis are left untreated, the condition can worsen over time and potentially lead to more serious health issues.

Those affected by scoliosis may have uneven shoulders, uneven waist, unevenness in the hips, and one side of the rib cage jutting forward which can cause difficulty breathing by putting pressure on the lungs. It’s important for individuals with scoliosis to seek evaluation and treatment from healthcare professionals to address the condition specifically.

Common treatments for scoliosis include wearing a back brace as well as surgeries such as spinal fusion, expanding rods, and screws to correct the spinal curve. These conventional approaches tend to be aggressive and invasive. It’s wise to start with the least invasive approach possible. Because of this reason, chiropractic care, particularly upper cervical chiropractic care, can be beneficial for children with scoliosis in reducing the curvature of the spine.

NUCCA Chiropractic Care for Scoliosis

Upper cervical chiropractic care using the NUCCA technique offers gentle, non-invasive, effective, and natural approach to addressing scoliosis. It is highly beneficial for children to start receiving chiropractic care as soon as they are diagnosed.

With the NUCCA technique, as soon as we determine individuals present indications of misalignments, we start by taking X-rays to determine the misalignment specifically. As NUCCA chiropractic adjustment is administered to the patients, we measure how much we’ve straightened out the posture to ensure that the head is positioned correctly over the pelvis.  Then, X-rays are taken again after the precise adjustments, so we can assess the progress.

Upper cervical chiropractic care has provided a level of relief for those with scoliosis that they may not get from traditional treatments. When children with scoliosis receive NUCCA chiropractic care, they are less likely to suffer from related chronic back pain in the long run.

Call NUCCA Wellness Clinic of Chicago

At NUCCA Wellness Clinic of Chicago, we are dedicated to providing upper cervical care to help children with scoliosis in Chicago, IL and the Northwest Chicago suburbs. By including this proactive and specialized approach of chiropractic care, children with scoliosis have the opportunity to manage their condition effectively, potentially mitigating its impact as they grow older. Upper cervical chiropractic care can play a crucial role in improving spinal alignment, reducing discomfort, and contributing to a better quality of life for those affected by scoliosis.

If you have a child affected by scoliosis, and you are hesitant to try invasive surgeries, your child may benefit from upper cervical chiropractic care. We provide gentle chiropractic care for children that is non-invasive, natural, and drug free.

For more about how we can help children with scoliosis, call us at (224) 676-1920 or fill out a form on our website.

NUCCA Wellness Clinic of Chicago Upper Cervical Care

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