NUCCA Chiropractor for Jaw Pain

Experiencing jaw pain can be disruptive to your daily life, as it can inhibit simple activities like talking, chewing, and yawning along with other facial or jaw movements. Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder is one of the most prevalent causes of jaw pain, and it often involves headaches, neck pain, and ear pain. Those who suffer from TMJ disorder (TMJD) never know when the pain will appear.

An estimated 10 million Americans experience symptoms of TMJ disorder, and it mainly affects young and middle-aged adults, with women being 1.5 to 2 times more likely to be affected than men. There are a variety of approaches to treat TMJ disorder symptoms, including stretching and relaxation exercises, bite correction, steroid injections, physical therapy, medications, and surgery. Many people affected by TMJ disorder who experience bite irregularity and jaw pain have also found significant TMJ pain relief with upper cervical chiropractic care.

At NUCCA Wellness Clinic of Chicago, we provide specialized chiropractic care for jaw pain to help relieve the symptoms of TMJ disorder in Chicago, IL and the Northwest Suburbs. Our NUCCA chiropractors specialize in upper cervical adjustments with the NUCCA technique, helping to correct the head and neck spine alignment. The NUCCA technique involves precise and gentle adjustment to realign the upper cervical spine to restore overall body balance to an unstressed position, effectively relieving jaw pain associated with TMJ disorder.

TMJ Disorders and Treatment

The temporomandibular joint is the joint where the lower jaw connects to the temporal bones at the anterior side of the ears. There are two joints in front of each ear that allow the jaw to move freely in various directions, including opening, closing, side to side, and rotation.

Jaw movements involve a complex interplay of multiple muscles and tendons. However, sometimes stress and previous histories such as injuries, teeth grinding and clenching, stress, bone abnormalities, and arthritis can put pressure on the facial nerves, resulting in pain in the jaw, head, and neck. The symptoms of temporomandibular disorder (TMD) can vary in their duration, being either chronic or temporary, depending on the severity of the condition.

Medical doctors and dentists offer various treatment options for TMD pain relief, including stretches, bite correction, physical therapy, steroid injections, medications, and, in rare cases, surgery. Each of these treatments primarily focuses on alleviating pain without addressing the root cause of the issue. On the other hand, upper cervical chiropractic care with the NUCCA technique can help realign the head and neck spine, effectively relieving stress and tension responsible for TMJ discomfort.

NUCCA Chiropractic Care for TMJ Pain Relief

One of the main causes of TMD pain stems from injuries that can lead to derangement or misalignment of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). Such misalignment in the upper cervical spine or the temporomandibular joint can irritate the nerves responsible for facial and jaw functions, resulting in muscular imbalance. By realigning the upper cervical spine, we can restore muscular imbalance and alleviate pressure on the nerves, allowing for improved communication between the brain and affected nerves, resulting in pain relief.

Our specialists will carefully evaluate your posture to identify any misalignment in the head and neck spine and conduct an x-ray to confirm the presence of misalignment. Using precise measurements and analysis, we calculate the necessary adjustments to correct the atlas subluxation and realign the head and neck spine back into the center of the axis. Our NUCCA chiropractors make the necessary adjustments and follow up with X-rays to ensure the success of the correction. Through this comprehensive approach, we aim to provide natural relief and restore your well-being.

Contact NUCCA Wellness Clinic of Chicago

If you are dealing with TMJD symptoms and struggling to find effective pain relief, consider exploring upper cervical chiropractic care with our NUCCA specialists. By aligning the upper cervical spine, we can alleviate pressure on the nerves that serve the neck and jaw muscles, providing potential relief from TMJD-related pain. Experience the benefits of specialized care and take a step towards improved well-being and comfort.

If you are dealing with TMJD symptoms and struggling to find effective pain relief, consider upper cervical chiropractic care with our NUCCA specialists. By aligning the upper cervical spine, we can alleviate pressure on the nerves that serve the neck and jaw muscles, providing potential relief from TMJD-related pain.

Give us a call at (224) 676-1920 or fill out a contact form on the website to schedule an appointment at our Chicago, IL and Northwest Suburb location.

NUCCA Wellness Clinic of Chicago Upper Cervical Care

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