NUCCA Chiropractor for Post-Concussion Syndrome

Concussions are a common brain injury, especially for those who participate in sports and other physical activities in which injuries are likely to occur.  A concussion is a type of brain injury that occurs when the brain forcefully impacts the side of the skull or undergoes rapid back-and-forth movement. This impact can lead to the stretching and damaging of brain tissue, resulting in an interruption of normal brain activity.

Those who endure concussions often experience a range of neurological symptoms, including headaches, nausea, dizziness, double or blurred vision, sensitivity to light and noise, sluggishness, confusion, and trouble concentrating. In most cases, the initial symptoms of a concussion will disappear within a few weeks after the injury. However, some people may experience post-concussion syndrome (PCS), a condition in which the symptoms of a concussion last for more than six (6) weeks following the initial injury. Post concussion syndrome can delay the recovery process and may require specialized care and management to alleviate the lingering symptoms and promote full recovery.

Post-concussion symptoms share similarities with the initial symptoms of a concussion, and their persistence can be disruptive to daily life. As researchers continue to study the nature of treatment of concussions, evidence indicates that upper cervical chiropractic care serves as an excellent treatment option to manage the symptoms of PCS.


Symptoms of Post-Concussion Syndrome

Concussions are common injuries in contact sports and can also occur due to accidents such as car accidents.  The trauma to the brain during a concussion leads to various symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, sleep disturbances, trouble concentrating, vision problems, vertigo, and more.  What many people do not realize is that the injury causing the concussion can also result in upper cervical misalignment right under the head.  When post-concussion (PCS) symptoms persist for weeks after the injury, the underlying issue hindering recovery is often related to upper cervical subluxations.

The treatment for PCS symptoms can vary among medical doctors, as they often focus on managing specific symptoms. This may include prescribing pain medications, recommending different types of therapy including cognitive or physical therapy, or simply resting to allow time for the symptoms to resolve on their own.  However, all of these approaches overlook the root cause of PCS symptoms, which is often the misalignment in the upper cervical spine.

Chiropractic Care for Post-Concussion Symptoms

Many people who suffer from concussions have found value in incorporating upper cervical chiropractic care in managing their concussion symptoms. Ongoing research continues to show that misalignment in the upper cervical spine can prolong the symptoms of a concussion, and correcting the head and neck misalignment can help accelerate the recovery process from associated symptoms.

Peer reviewed research is showing that PCS symptoms can be effectively managed with upper cervical chiropractic care. The key to post-concussion recovery resides in optimizing the nervous system to facilitate effective self-healing. Competent chiropractors should have a deep understanding of the relationship between the atlas misalignment and its effect on vestibular-ocular system to provide proper management. NUCCA chiropractors often work closely with neuro optometrists and vestibular physical therapists to co-manage the patients, ensuring optimal results. Many people who have suffered from PCS have experienced continuous relief after receiving NUCCA chiropractic care.

At NUCCA Wellness Clinic of Chicago, we offer specialized upper cervical chiropractic care for those who suffer from post-concussion syndrome (PCS) in Chicago, IL and the Northwest Suburbs. Our expertise lies in delivering precise adjustments using the NUCCA technique to address the atlas subluxation. Through this specialized chiropractic care, we focus on realigning the head and neck spine, effectively relieving pressure on the nerves that might hinder your concussion recovery. By correcting and stabilizing the uppermost neck region, we aim to alleviate the symptoms associated with post-concussion syndrome (PCS). It’s one of the most non-invasive and natural approaches to help recover and find relief from the associated symptoms with concussions.

Call NUCCA Wellness Clinic of Chicago

If you are experiencing concussion symptoms weeks after the initial injury, you may be suffering from post-concussion syndrome.  Our specialists at NUCCA Wellness Clinic of Chicago can help relieve PCS symptoms with upper cervical care using the NUCCA technique. Let the experts take a look and see if you are the right candidate for NUCCA chiropractic care.

You can call us at (224) 676-1920 for more information or to schedule an appointment at our Chicago, IL or the Northwest Suburbs location.

NUCCA Wellness Clinic of Chicago Upper Cervical Care

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