NUCCA Chiropractic Care FAQs
When most people think of chiropractic care, they think of traditional chiropractic that makes segmental adjustments to the entire spine that involve cracking and popping. At NUCCA Wellness Clinic of Chicago, we focus on the upper cervical spine, which consists of the top two vertebrae of the neck under the head (atlas and axis vertebrae), using a specialized method known as NUCCA.
Below are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions regarding chiropractic care and upper cervical care with the NUCCA technique.
What is NUCCA chiropractic treatment?
NUCCA chiropractic treatment represents a unique approach to addressing misalignment issues in the upper cervical spine, devised by the National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association (NUCCA). By emphasizing the correction of atlas and axis vertebrae misalignments, this technique aims to restore proper alignment of the head and neck and functionality to the nervous system. Rather than relying on forceful twisting or popping movements, NUCCA chiropractors employ mathematical and physical principles to calculate precise adjustment pathways and determine the appropriate corrective force. Remarkably, most patients hardly perceive the adjustment due to its gentle and non-invasive nature.
The primary outcome of realigning the head and upper cervical spine is the restoration of bodily equilibrium and the facilitation of improved communication between the brain and the body. Furthermore, this type of care effectively reduces tension on the brainstem, resulting in widespread pain relief as the body balance is being restored.
Who can benefit from NUCCA chiropractic care?
Anyone who is experiencing pain and discomfort that may be caused by misalignment of the upper cervical spine can benefit from NUCCA chiropractic care. Anyone who may not have any sort of pain, but who wants to optimize their body to function better, can also be assessed. However, treatment is only provided for those who have an objective need for care.
How are the upper cervical adjustments for the NUCCA technique calculated?
Upper cervical chiropractors will take x-rays to visualize the misalignment and determine if the correction is needed to realign the upper cervical spine.
NUCCA chiropractors can calculate using the precise formula for the force and direction needed to realign the head and neck spine. These are done before and after the first adjustment, so that the provider knows what happens after the first adjustment without guessing. The upper cervical adjustment will relieve stress and tension on the nerves to allow the body to heal.
Are chiropractic adjustments safe?
Studies have found that chiropractic adjustments are safe and a great alternative to drugs and invasive surgery. The NUCCA technique in particular is safe and effective as it involves gentle adjustments with no snapping, popping, or twisting of the neck or back.
What is the difference between the NUCCA technique and other chiropractic care?
Traditional chiropractors take a segmental approach in which they will make adjustments in localized areas throughout the spine to help improve mobility and structural stability. The NUCCA technique looks to improve structural balance and stability of the spine with upper cervical care that affects the balance of the entire body from the top to bottom. NUCCA chiropractic care provides and maintains a long-term spinal balance that helps improve overall health and well-being.
Can the NUCCA technique benefit children?
Upper cervical care with the NUCCA technique is safe and beneficial for children and they can receive NUCCA treatment as long as proper x-rays can be taken. The misalignment in children is typically less complex because of the shorter amount of time they experience the misalignment, and they respond to upper cervical adjustments quickly which means they generally need less adjustments to correct the problem and to achieve stability.
How do I know if I need a chiropractic adjustment?
The most effective way to know for sure if you need a chiropractic adjustment is to get examined by a NUCCA chiropractor. You can also tell by paying attention to your body, including your posture. Look at your reflection in the mirror to see if you have a head tilt or low shoulder. Uneven weight distribution on your feet can also be a sign that you need an adjustment.
If you think an adjustment may be needed, you should visit a NUCCA chiropractor for a proper assessment.
How can the gentle pressure of the NUCCA technique cause changes in alignment?
The adjustment involves the use of adequate force to make the desired adjustment, but leverage is the key to the gentle adjustment. The chiropractor uses the weight of the head and their own body at a calculated angle to make the adjustment specific to the misalignment. The precise and gentle nature of the transfer of force from the chiropractor to the patient is rarely felt by the patient.
What can I expect after a NUCCA adjustment?
The response to an upper cervical adjustment may vary. Sometimes people feel nothing after an adjustment while sometimes one can feel muscle soreness, fatigue, or even euphoria. In some cases, a patient may feel a difference in symptoms right away while it may take others a while to notice an improvement in symptoms. However, it is common for people to feel stiff and sore for a few days after the adjustment which is most common after first or second adjustments.
How long will it take to heal after getting adjustments?
The time it takes to heal will depend on several factors, including the amount of damage done to your musculature and ligaments. There is no exact timetable for healing when it comes to spinal misalignment. One thing to remember is that the longer your spine was misaligned, the more damage this caused which means it will take more time to heal.
Does upper cervical adjustment help pain in the lower back?
Upper cervical adjustments can help relieve pain in your lower back because it corrects posture which helps rebalance the entire body. Postural distortion causes uneven weight distribution of the postural muscles in your neck, back, arms, and legs, and pain will occur in the areas most affected by the weight distribution. If you have been experiencing lower back pain, upper cervical adjustments will restore even weight distribution and relieve the stress that is causing pain in your lower back.
What can cause a loss of alignment?
The factors that cause misalignment can be put into three categories: thoughts, traumas, and toxins. Thoughts include stressful or negative thoughts that can cause tightness in the neck and shoulders. Traumas include injuries, bad posture, or daily repetitive motions that can put repeated stress on a specific area. Toxins include dietary or environmental factors that can affect alignment.
When you receive your first upper cervical adjustment, we will give you recommendations on how to avoid these factors and maintain your alignment.
Can a subluxation realign on its own?
The answer to this is no, a real subluxation does not realign itself. It takes the assistance to correct a subluxation and restore alignment.
Do I have to get chiropractic adjustments for the rest of my life?
The idea that someone who starts receiving chiropractic adjustments must continue to get adjustments the rest of their life is a misconception. While some people do choose to include chiropractic care as part of their healthcare throughout their life, a patient does not need to do this.
The goal of chiropractic adjustments is to realign the spine until the body can keep the spine in alignment on its own. The amount of time it takes to stabilize the spine will depend on the length of time your spine was out of alignment. Therefore, it may take longer to stabilize your spine if it was out of alignment for a long time.
How does the chiropractor determine patient progress?
The chiropractor looks for objective and physical signs that an adjustment is needed, including mobility, leg length, spinal column distortion, thermographic patterns, and evaluation of the symptoms. A reduction in the objective and physical signs shows that the chiropractic care is making progress.