Neck Cracking: What You Need to Know About Its Safety

Do you ever spend hours sitting at your desk and then suddenly feel the need to twist your neck for a good crack? It doesn’t stick — it feels great in the moment but always comes back. Is this bad for you, then? Cracking your neck sometimes, like most other habits, is not an issue, so why does frequent neck-cracking cause or worsen cervical spine problems?

If there’s any possibility of making disc degenerative diseases worse or stroke-related issues more likely to happen or connective tissue disorders such as EDS, you don’t want to mess with your neck at all. Ligaments that help hold the spine stable can be strained or stretched by cracking the neck under some listed conditions — which causes inflammation and pain. Loose ligaments also may allow vertebrae to move around more than they should, thereby increasing pressure on discs and nerves.

Joint cracking occurs when gas bubbles are released from fluid within joint capsules – particularly if these are located around facet joints in the neck (which account for most movements of our head). This is known as cavitation that pops when done correctly. Sometimes snapping or cracking noises can occur when tendons rapidly move over each other — even cartilage does this too. Roughened cartilage affected by arthritis could also contribute to such sounds since it roughs up what should be smooth surfaces within joints affected by this condition.

Signs That Popping Your Neck is Bad for You

It should be noted that there isn’t a lot to go on in terms of scientific research. But what we do know indicates that cracking your neck can be dangerous, so that my patients are advised not to do it. Neck cracking could potentially be bad and unsafe if:

  • You forcibly twist your neck with your hands.
  • You pop your neck every day or multiple times a day.
  • There is a loud popping sound when you crack it.
  • You can do it again within 10 minutes of the last time.
  • You feel any pain when cracking your neck.
  • A spine condition has been diagnosed such as degenerative disc disease or osteoarthritis.

The Three Most Common Ways People Crack Their Neck

  • Forcefully pushing the chin or jaw: Some people can try twisting their chin or jaw with their hand in the opposite direction to crack it. People who want to do this should be careful, it may strain them, cause inflammation, result in a subluxation and even produce microtears in tissues.
  • Violent and abrupt motion of the neck: A dangerous technique where the neck is turned sharply to one side at a high speed, resulting in cracking of multiple joints. It can cause serious harm.
  • Rotating your neck gradually toward extreme range of motion: This process involves gently rotating the head to its farthest point, or even a little further, until the joints pop. It poses lesser dangers for injury but can still cause inflammation of ligaments and tendons.

What Happens When You Crack Your Neck: Possible Injuries Defined

Faulty Joint Cracking

When you crack your neck, one joint may unintentionally force another with limited mobility into movement. This can increase the range of motion in the latter too much — a condition known as hypermobility — and cause instability and pain.

Exceeding the Physiological Limit

The neck can only bend so much before it is damaged; this value is called the physiological barrier. However, when external forces are applied using hands or hand, the limit may be surpassed leading to more chances of injuries taking place. Apart from overstretching muscles or ligaments, abnormal amounts of pressure are also exerted on joints by twisting them beyond what they can bear hence making them break down eventually becoming chronic problem areas.

Sprain, Inflammation And Micro-Tearing

Even if done slowly cracking the neck could still inflict microtrauma upon tendons or ligaments. By provoking an immune response these minor injuries may cause swelling and aggravate joint stiffness over time. Additionally chronic pain can result from repeated such damages where flexibility becomes permanently reduced due to many impacts on different moving parts of our body structure; strains around micro-tears together with inflammations might also worsen pre-existing conditions thus keeping us uncomfortable (e.g., feelings).

Increased Risk For Degeneration

Frequently cracking your neck puts more pressure on the cervical spine which speeds up wear and tear like osteoarthritis development. This means that chronic pains are experienced as the shape holding capacity of this important region fades away thereby compromising overall healthiness throughout our bodies.

NUCCA Chiropractic in Chicago, IL

NUCCA chiropractic care can greatly benefit migraines since it aims to improve the structural relationships of the head and neck spine. This specific method of treatment lessens pressure on the nervous system, especially in the upper neck region that is helpful in eradicating migraine.

Apart from relieving pain, NUCCA chiropractic treatment enhances the muscle elasticity and the position of the spine, thus facilitating the proper functioning of nerves. This approach targets the cause of migraines hence providing a natural cure for the condition without the need to use invasive procedures.

neck cracking

NUCCA Chiropractic in Chicago, Illinois

At NUCCA Wellness Clinic of Chicago, we are dedicated to providing the highest standard of care through the NUCCA technique. Our team of experienced chiropractors is committed to helping you achieve optimal health and well-being. The NUCCA technique represents a revolutionary approach to chiropractic care, offering a gentle, non-invasive, and effective method for addressing spinal misalignments and ameliorating overall health.

Understanding why your neck is frequently stiff and needs cracking is important. Poor posture may be a common cause; another could be repetitive motion. Occasionally, there are structural issues with the head or neck that need to be addressed.

When you align your head and neck correctly, it can greatly reduce stiffness and the urge to crack. Doing so in combination with better habits of posture may bring about lasting relief.

NUCCA chiropractic care provides a unique approach to global body alignment. If you would like to schedule an initial consultation within the Chicagoland area please call (224) 676-1920