Why 80% of Migraine Sufferers Experience Neck Pain

Neck pain is a frequent complaint among migraine patients, and it is also one of the primary symptoms that can be observed in migraine patients. According to research, it is evident that neck pain affects 80-89% of the people experiencing migraines.

This makes neck pain to be more frequent than other symptoms such as nausea that are evident in migraine. In this case, it is paramount to establish the relationship between migraines and neck pain so that the two could be addressed.

Neck Pain: Symptom or Cause?

The relationship between migraines and neck pain often raises the question: does the neck pain exist during migraine or is there some neck discomfort which will cause migraine? In simple terms, it is suggested that neck pain usually stems from migraines, rather than migraines being caused by neck pain. Migraines can lead to contraction of the muscles in the neck that may lead to development of stiffness and pain.

On the other hand, cervicogenic headaches stem from stiffness and discomfort in the neck, usually structural cause, but it is different type of headaches than migraine. Neck problems can be a contributing factor, however, it does not necessarily lead to a migraine. Therefore, migraines lead to contraction of the muscles in the neck that may lead to development of stiffness and pain. This tension contributes to the suffering experienced during a migraine episode by a patient.

Nervous System Pathways

Migraine is a complex process that is considered as the neurological disorder with the focus on the abnormality in the brain. At the same time, it should be noted that, considering the fact that many factors can cause this activity, the sequence of processes is still uncertain.

This suggests that the current scientific view of migraine indicates that they start in the brain because of complex interactions between the nerves and chemicals in the brain. It is evident that these neurological alterations affect the blood supply of the brain as well as tissues that cause various manifestations of migraines.

Neural Sensitization: Migraine is said to increase the sensitivity of neural pathways. This heightened sensitivity translates into the fact that ordinary sensations coming from the neck are relayed to the brain as pain and therefore the cervical area is uncomfortable during a migraine attack.

Interconnected Pain Pathways: There is a relation between the nervous system pathways of pain in the head and neck. This neurological link could be the reason why neck pain often occurs alongside migraines, as information can readily travel between the two areas.

Therefore, a correct medical assessment is helpful in discharging migraine-associated neck pain from other cervical disorders, to facilitate the right treatment plans.

Key Risk Factors for Migraine

Migraine is known to be hereditary and in most of the cases, it runs in the family. If one of the parents gets migraines, then the child is bound to get it or at least be a contender for it. From the previous researches, the following findings were also seen that migraines are more common in female than the male gender with a ratio of 3:1.

However, hormonal differences are regarded as one of the probable causes of such difference, the essence of gender difference appears to remain enigmatic.

Age: Migraine typically develops in childhood, and the most frequency at the adolescent period, while the mean age of the onset of migraine is 10 to 40 years.

Hormonal Changes: Among the migraines that occur more in women are migraines that are related to menstrual period, menopausal period or hormonal contraceptives.

Other Medical Conditions: Other medical conditions such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, sleep disorder, epilepsy, and other related diseases are also considered as some of the risk factors of migraines.

Stress: Some of the causes of migraines may include physical and or emotional stress.

Metabolic Factors: Other conditions like obesity, dyslipidemia, diabetes and hypertension that are associated with cardiovascular diseases have been associated with migraines.

Socioeconomic Factors: It is obvious that education level and SES can be considered as risks, but these should be confirmed.

Lifestyle Factors: These are caffeine or medication consumption, sleep disorders and obesity.

Environmental Factors: Some people get migraines as a result of some sensory triggers for instance, noise, light or smell.

However, it must be noted that these are the factors that can precipitate a migraine but do not cause it. Migraine is multifactorial and it is most likely to be a combined effect of genetical, environmental and life style factors.

A Unique Solution to Migraine: NUCCA Chiropractic

NUCCA chiropractic care can greatly benefit migraines since it aims to improve the structural relationships of the head and neck spine. This specific method of treatment lessens pressure on the nervous system, especially in the upper neck region that is helpful in eradicating migraine.

Apart from relieving pain, NUCCA chiropractic treatment enhances the muscle elasticity and the position of the spine, thus facilitating the proper functioning of nerves. This approach targets the cause of migraines hence providing a natural cure for the condition without the need to use invasive procedures.

neck pain and migraine chiropractor

Why Choose NUCCA Wellness Clinic of Chicago?

At NUCCA Wellness Clinic of Chicago, we are dedicated to providing the highest standard of care through the NUCCA technique. Our team of experienced chiropractors is committed to helping you achieve optimal health and well-being. The NUCCA technique represents a revolutionary approach to chiropractic care, offering a gentle, non-invasive, and effective method for addressing spinal misalignments and ameliorating overall health.

Therefore, it is crucial to establish the relationship between migraines and neck pain to facilitate proper management. Although neck pain is among the complaints that migraine patients have, it is a complication of migraines and not a cause. The complex relationship that exists between neural tracts and neurochemistry’s during a migraine attack is such that sensitivity and convergence of pain pathways may cause neck pain.

Understanding the factors that may contribute to migraines and assessing other approaches such as NUCCA chiropractic care can be useful in treating migraines and improving the quality of life for migraineurs.

Contact us at (224) 676-1920 today to schedule your consultation and discover the transformative power of the NUCCA technique.