pregnant, back pain, sciaticaThe excitement of a new baby coming into your life brings along with it responsibilities and anxiety. Prenatal care is very important to the health of your newborn and the ease of the birthing process. Correct prenatal care can also alleviate anxiety. What are some things you can focus on to make everything run smoothly?

Maintain proper nutrition. Educate yourself about which foods are acceptable and which are to be avoided during your pregnancy. Make sure to thoroughly wash fruits and vegetables before consuming them. Be careful to handle raw meat properly. Be cautious of doing anything that could lead to food poisoning.

Focus on proper hygiene. Having good hand washing routines can keep you free from sickness and infection. Make it a practice to wash your hands any time you come in contact with another person, after shopping at the store, before and after cooking and eating, and after doing any cleaning. Also, be aware of touching anything that has chemicals, for example, potting soil. You should never clean a cat litter box while pregnant.

Caring for your spine. Many times, this the last thing that is thought about while pregnant. But, take a moment to think about what is happening in your body. Your body is making room for the child growing inside of you. This causes your organs to move around and creates other physical changes. If your spine is out of alignment, this can cause problems for you and your baby. A properly aligned spine makes it easier for the birth canal to remain open when it is time to deliver.

Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care

The top two vertebrae in the neck are vital to a properly working brainstem. The brainstem is the thing that controls communication with the body and the brain. If you have a misalignment, it is important to have it corrected. This is good for you and the health of your baby. A spine that is properly aligned can go a long way toward a smooth birth. This actually can have an effect on the health of your child’s spine in the future. Dr. Young Chung of Chicago, Illinois is specially trained in the area of the upper spine. He can examine you and see if an adjustment is necessary. Why not contact Dr. Chung today and make an appointment to keep you and your baby happy and healthy.

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Dr. Young Chung of NUCCA Wellness Clinic of Chicago, with a location in Chicago and a 2nd location in Wheeling is an Upper Cervical Specialist trained by the National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association (NUCCA). His upper cervical clinic also serves Northbrook, Long Grove, Lincolnshire, Buffalo Grove and Vernon Hills. He is uniquely trained to correct problems in the upper cervical spine (upper neck). This vital area is intimately connected to the central nervous system and problems in this area have been shown to be an underlying cause of a variety of different health problems, including migraines and other headaches, whiplash injuries, post-concussion syndrome. This type of care has also shown benefits for athletic performance and pregnancy outcomes. More information can be found on our website at