Have you experienced a sports injury or been in a car accident that might have resulted in whiplash injury?

Migraine, Headache, Whiplash, Neck Injury, AccidentWhen your neck muscles and connective tissues stretch beyond their normal proper range, your neck becomes unstable and can cause debilitating health issues. Concussions are mild traumatic brain injuries that affect how your brain works. A lot of people think you have to pass out to get a concussion, but that’s not always true. In fact, fainting is pretty rare with concussions. Research from the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) shows that less than 10% of people with concussions actually lose consciousness.

Anytime you sustain a head injury, you are likely to sustain a neck injury as well. If your concussion symptoms persist for more than 3 months, you are more than likely suffering from post-concussive syndrome. It’s important to get the proper neck checked to see if the atlas misalignment is either causing or contributing to the nerve issues that you are experiencing. An upper cervical chiropractor can address this underlying neck injury that will help with the lingering symptoms of a concussion.

Wondering if you might have a concussion? Look out for these signs:

  • Trouble with your vision
  • Feeling sick or throwing up
  • Being extra sensitive to loud sounds
  • Feeling really slow or tired
  • Not remembering things
  • Blood vessels getting hurt
  • Feeling confused
  • Nerve damage
  • Bruises
  • Your brain not working right
  • Passing out
  • Headaches
  • Losing your balance
  • Light bothering your eyes
  • Ears ringing
  • Having a hard time remembering stuff
  • Acting differently or feeling off
  • Struggling to focus

Whiplash injury and neck pain

NUCCA Chiropractic in Chicago, Illinois

Upper cervical chiropractors have been disciplined to explore the connection between the atlas misalignment and nervous system functions. It appears that it’s almost inevitable to neck injury when someone experiences head injury. Because the upper cervical provides majority of the movement of our head, it also makes the upper cervical spine very vulnerable from an injury, and often this leads to the atlas misalignment in the neck.

It’s not always the speed or the acceleration of the impact that causes the brain injury. If someone experiences low speed, but low blow repetitive traumas can cause weakness and damage to the brain and surrounding tissues that support the head and neck.

When the top part of our neck is examined, NUCCA chiropractor would assess one’s postural distortion which is likely to occur followed by a trauma. It’s often not just mechanical, but the atlas misalignment can be a causing or contributing to slow healing and recovery.

A small but measurable spinal misalignment in the upper cervical spine houses important functions to our body such as brainstem, spinal cord, brain blood flow, CSF flow, and etc. If the atlas misalignment is affecting complex health issues followed by a trauma or an injury, it can gently, precisely be corrected by a NUCCA procedure.

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Dr. Young Chung, a founder at NUCCA Wellness Clinic of Chicago, serves in two locations in Chicago and Wheeling. Dr. Chung is a NUCCA chiropractor to correct problems in the upper cervical spine (upper neck). This vital area is connected to the central nervous system and problems in this area have been shown to be an underlying cause of a variety of different health problems, including migraines, post-traumatic headaches, whiplash injuries, post-concussion syndrome. If you have any questions, you can visit our website at nuccawellnesschicago.com.

Dr. Young Chung