Shoulder Pain, Should Ache, Muscle Strain, Shoulder Injury, Shoulder Trauma, Natural ReliefShoulder pain can sneak up on a person. They may have no idea that an injury has occurred. After weeks or perhaps a few years of normal use, pain suddenly arrives. Many just “deal with it,” becoming accustomed to such pain as a part of life. Shoulder pain can have many causes. Knowing when an injury has occurred can prevent a person from joint pain due to misuse or overuse. Consider some of the following shoulder conditions that result in pain.

Muscle Strain – Whether a person is playing sports or lifting a baby, the wrong movement at the wrong moment can result in a pulled muscle. Sometimes a muscle pull is minor and will heal on its own as long as you give the muscle time to rest. Other muscle strains can create a bulge where the muscle is damaged. This often occurs if the strain is actually a complete tear. Other strain symptoms include loss of the range of movement and pain when the muscle is used.

Tendonitis – Tendons connect bones and muscles. When they are overextended or strained, the result is inflammation. This inflammation is referred to as tendonitis. The shoulder is a common location for this type of injury. Tendinosis is a more chronic condition and is usually the result of consistent overuse rather than a one-time injury. The inflammation associated with tendonitis does not present with tendinosis. Tendinopathy is a general term used for shoulder tendon damage and can refer to either of the above conditions.

Bursitis – This condition also results in inflammation and draws its name from the Bursa sac. Bursitis can be caused by a range of factors including injury, infection, and arthritis.

Natural Relief for Shoulder Pain

No one should resign themselves to suffer in constant pain. The good news is that an upper cervical chiropractor may be able to help with your shoulder pain. How can the top two bones of your neck be related to your shoulder? Neck misalignments are actually the cause of many health problems, especially when it comes to joint pain and inflammation.

Dr. Young Chung of Chicago, Illinois is specially trained to identify and correct C1 and C2 misalignments. Such a subluxation can cause miscommunications in the body that create pain and inflammation just about anywhere. Once the bones are realigned, and communication is restored with the brainstem, the body can do much healing on its own. Why not consult with Dr. Chung to see if your shoulder pain may actually be coming from your neck?

To find an upper cervical specialist in your area go to or if you are in the Chicago, Illinois area click the button below to schedule a consultation:

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Dr. Young Chung of NUCCA Wellness Clinic of Chicago, with a location in Chicago and a 2nd location in Wheeling is an Upper Cervical Specialist trained by the National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association (NUCCA). His upper cervical clinic also serves Northbrook, Long Grove, Lincolnshire, Buffalo Grove and Vernon Hills. He is uniquely trained to correct problems in the upper cervical spine (upper neck). This vital area is intimately connected to the central nervous system and problems in this area have been shown to be an underlying cause of a variety of different health problems, including migraines and other headaches, whiplash injuries, post-concussion syndrome. This type of care has also shown benefits for athletic performance and pregnancy outcomes. More information can be found on our website at