I believe my alignment was very helpful in many ways.  My shoulder were hunched over and I could not Keep my head up straight I was in chronic pain my right shoulder, arm and hand. I have arthritis in my back I was very depressed and also suffered from constipation most of the time.

Before the alignment I had chronic pain the medical doctors could not find the problem. The pain ran from my shoulder thru my arm to my finger tips for about 3months I could not take the pain. I never felt pain like that on a scale from 1 to 10. I took narcotic pain pills I tried so many things and nothing helped. I have arthritis in my back there is some improvement.

I suffer from severe depression. I believe was drastically helpful with my depression. I also suffer from constipation that changed. I now have required lower movements all the time.

I believe my alignment was very helpful. I would recommend this alignment to any who suffers. I think Dr. Chung is a miracle worker. It’s been less than 2 months since I was aligned and I stand up straight. The pain is gone my depression has much improved and I am no longer constipated.

Mary Stell