Neck Pain, Neck Ache, Neck InjuryWaking up with a sore neck is never fun. It ruins your entire day. And if you wake with a sore neck several mornings in a row, then it’s probably ruining your day and the days of those people around you. You’re probably getting more and more irritated with the pain, thus your becoming more irritable to be around.

For your sake, and or the sake of your loved ones, it’s important that you seek our relief for your neck pain. That may not be easy, but it will be worth it. But finding relief starts with finding the cause of your pain. There can be several underlying causes of your sore neck, so we’ll explore each of those conditions in this blog.

Causes of Neck Pain

  • Abnormalities in bones or joints – Activities like sitting in front of the computer for long periods of time, sleeping in awkward positions, exercising too much, falling, or other accidents can cause muscle strain or tension due to overuse of those muscles.
  • Trauma – When you damage your cervical spine, which include the upper seven vertebrae in your spine, that can cause neck pain. That can happen because of whiplash, as well as head or neck injuries that cause concussions.
  • Poor Posture – It’s important that your body be able to sustain itself, so it able to work the way it’s supposed to work. That means standing and sitting with good posture, so your organs and tissue are positioned correctly. Poor posture can cause weight displacement throughout the body, and that weigh displacement can lead to neck pain.

Assessing Your Neck Pain

Now, think about whether or not you’ve suffered any of the above types of injuries that could have caused your neck pain. The answer may be obvious to you, or it may not be. You have been in a car accident, but it could be that you just slept in an awkward position. It could have also developed over time because of sitting in front of your computer for long periods of time without a break.

Though, it is also possible that that pain may not be the result of a recent accident, rather it may be because of an accident that occurred several weeks, months, or even years ago. Sometimes, a neck injury you sustained because of an old neck injury you sustained from a car accident or sports related accident many years ago may not manifest itself until later in life.

Though, that accident you suffered years ago, may have caused your upper cervical spine to be knocked out of alignment. And that misalignment could place enough pressure on your brainstem to hinder the communication between your brain and your body. That is if those top two bones in your upper neck vertebrae are out of alignment by as little as ¼ of a millimeter.

Luckily, an upper cervical chiropractor can realign those top two vertebrae, thus allowing your brain to begin to communicate with your body again.

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